Oral Health Goal: Cut Sugar Intake in Half
SUGAR GOES BY MANY NAMES and hides where we’d least expect it. Molasses and…
SUGAR GOES BY MANY NAMES and hides where we’d least expect it. Molasses and…
IT CAN BE DIFFICULT to get any enjoyment out of a cozy mug of hot cocoa if every…
MEN AND WOMEN have a lot in common, but they face significantly different challenges…
GUM RECESSION IS A GRADUAL PROCESS that people don’t realize it’s happening until it’s already occurring. Lana K Anderson, your periodontist in Wichita, Kansas, has got you covered. What are receding gums? The recession of the gum line happens when the tissue surrounding the teeth wears away or is removed, exposing the crown of a…
RADIATION AND THE harm it can do to humans wasn’t well understood in the early years after…